Author of A Brief History of Accidental Inventions and Plunder, Winner of the May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize. Order Plunder Here.
Dorsey Craft is the author of the forthcoming collection A Brief History of Accidental Inventions, which will be published in Fall of 2026 by Texas Review Press.
Her first collection, Plunder, won the May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize from Bauhan Publishing. She is also the author of a chapbook, The Pirate Anne Bonny Dances the Tarantella, which was a runner-up in the CutBank Chapbook Competition.
Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Cincinnati Review, Copper Nickel, Massachusetts Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Missouri Review, Pleiades, Ploughshares, Poetry Northwest, Poetry Daily, Sixth Finch, Southern Indiana Review, TriQuarterly, Willow Springs, and elsewhere.
Dorsey's work has received support from the Anderson Center at Tower View and the Sewanee Writers' Conference. She holds a Ph.D in Poetry from Florida State University, an MFA in poetry from McNeese State University and a BA in English from Clemson University. As an undergraduate, she was a Student Director of the 5th and 6th Clemson Literary Festivals. Currently, she teaches at University of North Florida and serves as an Assistant Poetry Editor for AGNI Magazine.
Praise for Plunder
Winner of the 2019 May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize
"You will love Dorsey Craft’s rollicking persona, the Pirate Anne Bonny, who, in this thrilling book of poems, serves up heaps of scintillant treasures from the bottomless trunk of her imagination, wit, and verve. In Plunder, Jack Sparrow has met his match."
—Deb Gorlin, judge, 2019 May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize
"Her Body Out of Time": Review of Plunder by Matt Miller in On the Seawall.
Three Poems; Sixth Finch, 2024.
"Instructions on Breastfeeding"; Palette Poetry, 2023.
"Essay Against Metaphor" and "Ode to the Stroller We Bought on Facebook"; Blackbird, 2023.
"Community Theatre Production of Annie, Age 12"; Missouri Review Poem of the Week, 2021.
"When You Are Six"; Muzzle Magazine, 2021.
"My Football Team is Winning"; Boudin--The McNeese Review Online, 2020.
"The Pirate Anne Bonny Does Not Care About Football"; Shenandoah, 2020.
"Root Canal at Twenty-Seven"; Harpur Palate, 2020.
"The Pirate Anne Bonny Advises Jane Eyre"; Poetry Daily, 2019. Originally published in Thrush Poetry Journal.